Investing in the Future: New Pre-school Education Policies from the U.S. Department of Education Information Center

Investing in early education is investing in the future. Recognizing this, the U.S. Department of Education Information Center has introduced new policies aimed at strengthening pre-school education in the United States.

Laying the Foundation for Success

The new policies seek to lay a strong educational foundation for children from an early age. They focus on ensuring access to quality pre-school education, improving curriculum and teacher quality, and enhancing parental involvement.

Ensuring Access to Quality Pre-school Education

To ensure that all children have access to quality pre-school education, the policies emphasize expanding pre-school programs, especially in under-served communities. This includes increasing funding for pre-school programs, and partnering with states and local communities to extend the reach of pre-school education.

Improving Curriculum and Teacher Quality

The new policies also highlight the need for a high-quality pre-school curriculum that fosters cognitive, emotional, and social development. They emphasize interactive learning through play, exploration, and creativity. To support this, the policies call for improved training and professional development for pre-school teachers.

Enhancing Parental Involvement

Recognizing the crucial role of parents in children's early education, the policies aim to strengthen parental involvement. They suggest strategies to engage parents more deeply in their child's education and provide them with the resources to support their child's learning at home.


The new pre-school education policies from the U.S. Department of Education Information Center mark a significant investment in the future. By ensuring access to quality pre-school education, improving curriculum and teacher quality, and enhancing parental involvement, these policies have the potential to give all children a strong start in life. This is not just an investment in our children, but also in the future of our country.