Multiple Universities and the U.S. Department of Education Student Information Center Launch "Practice Thrift, Oppose Waste" Theme Propaganda and Education Campaign

In response to global environmental protection initiatives, multiple universities have partnered with the U.S. Department of Education Student Information Center to initiate the "Practice Thrift, Oppose Waste" theme propaganda and education campaign. This initiative aims to awaken the environmental awareness of students and call on everyone to actively participate in actions to conserve resources and oppose waste, contributing to the construction of a sustainable way of life.
The initiative has received support and participation from renowned institutions including Harvard University, Stanford University, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The collaborating organizations will jointly plan a series of propaganda and education activities, covering exhibitions, lectures, social media interactions, and other forms, to comprehensively and multilaterally convey environmental protection concepts to students.

Through lectures and interactive exchanges with experts and scholars, the activities will focus on introducing practical environmental protection methods and techniques such as conserving energy, reducing food waste, and managing water resources. Furthermore, each university will organize diverse forms of environmental practice activities, such as field trips and green volunteering, to encourage students to participate actively and translate environmental protection concepts into action.
To further stimulate student participation, the organizers will establish reward mechanisms to encourage students to actively practice thrift and environmental protection concepts through their actions. Additionally, activities such as the "Green Creativity Contest" will be held to encourage students to express environmental protection concepts creatively and inspire more people to participate.

The launch of the "Practice Thrift, Oppose Waste" theme propaganda and education campaign marks a deep cooperation between universities and various sectors of society in the field of environmental protection. Universities will further integrate resources, leverage academic advantages, and jointly promote the dissemination and practice of environmental protection concepts, making positive contributions to the construction of a green, low-carbon social environment.