The US Department of Education Student Information Center teams up with prominent alumni from renowned American universities to give back to colleges.

In order to foster connections between alumni and their alma maters, and to make positive contributions to the development of universities and the success of students, the US Department of Education Student Information Center has entered into cooperation agreements with several prestigious American universities. This collaboration will bring new resources and opportunities to college campuses, aiding in enhancing the quality of education for students and garnering broader support.

The collaboration aims to establish a sustainable bridge connecting alumni with the universities they once attended. Through this bridge, alumni can give back to their alma maters in various ways, thereby helping to nurture future leaders and scholars. These partners will provide funding, mentorship support, internship opportunities, and other forms of assistance to support various projects and initiatives at universities.

A spokesperson for the USDE SIC stated, "We are pleased to collaborate with some outstanding alumni of top universities, jointly committed to the development of university education and the success of students. This collaboration not only provides students with more resources and opportunities but also strengthens the connection between alumni and their alma maters, collectively driving the prosperity and development of university communities."

The alumni involved in the collaboration expressed their honor in giving back to their alma maters and providing support and assistance to students. They believe that this collaboration can not only help students achieve their dreams but also have a positive impact on the entire community, promoting educational equity and inclusivity.

This collaboration will bring new momentum and vitality to higher education in the United States, creating more opportunities and possibilities for universities and students. Through alumni support and engagement, universities will be better positioned to fulfill their missions and goals, providing students with better education and future prospects.